WM 2016 - 2017 Installation of W. Bro. Dustin Wade
A good afternoon was had on a scorching hot Saturday 11th June 2016,
seeing the installation of W. Bro. Dustin Wade and his officers.
We had many visitors from Dustin's mother lodge in Mississauga and also Glen Milligan Jnr traveled up from Detroit.
Those who took part in the Installation.
2016 Officer line up
Visiting brethren from Mississauga
Past Master W.Bro. Lewis Pilgrim (right) displaying his present
painted by the local renowned artist R.W. Bro. Michael de Belleval (left)
W. Bro. Dustin Wade and his Mom.
W. Bro. Dustin will be pleased to give you an explanation about this mystic sign.